Why outsource software engineering to the EU?

Artem Rudenko
CEO, Founder

For many US-based companies, the EU and some Asian countries are a target for outsourcing software development. This article will explore the benefits of outsourcing to the EU and why you should strongly consider it for your software development needs.
Cost efficiency
Outsourcing to the EU is typically much cheaper than hiring US-based employees, while still being more expensive than outsourcing to Asian countries like India. This is in part because EU-based companies take more time in the design process, quality assurance, and validating the security of the software.
While the cost of EU outsourcing may seem like a downside at first, this extra investment pays dividends in the long-term. With any software project, you need to focus on the long-term ROI instead of only seeking to minimize costs in the short-term.
EU teams tend to be better organized than off-shore teams from other countries, which drives down the long-term cost. Your company will spend less time managing the off-shore team, and the software will generally be completed in fewer iterations.
Quality of talent
Europe is home to many top-notch developers, for a number of reasons. Europe has an excellent university system, and engineers often have experience working with large, internationally-recognized companies. Additionally, there are many software development conferences in the region, allowing developers to sharpen their skills.
It is hard to overstate how important it is to have highly-skilled developers working on your project, so this is another area where outsourcing to the EU really pays off.

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Time zone differences
One of the biggest concerns clients have when deciding to outsource is the time zone difference between the core business and the third-party company. While this is a major hurdle when outsourcing to Asian countries, it’s not a big deal when outsourcing to Europe. The time zone difference is not large, and EU teams typically stay late in the evening to maximize the time available for collaboration.
Furthermore, if the US team and the EU team are collaborating well together, the time zone difference can actually benefit the project, because progress is being made nearly 24/7.
Clear communication
Effective communication is absolutely essential for productive collaboration and quick iterations. Communication is often a major barrier when working with south Asian developers. On the other hand, communicating with EU developers is easy, thanks to the cultural and language similarities between the US and EU.
Final recommendations
Choosing where to outsource your software development to is a major business decision which you should consider carefully. If you’re looking for the cheapest prices, south Asian countries may be your best bet. But if you’re looking for highly-skilled, well-organized teams, hiring an EU-based development team is a very strong option. Investing in this key area of your business will really pay off in the long term, delivering value to your business for years to come. site employees.